Top 10 Most Common Bugs in Smart Contracts

By Ararat Tonoyan
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Top 10 Most Common Bugs in Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are a cornerstone of the blockchain revolution, but they're not without their risks. Below, I outline the top 10 most popular bugs in smart contracts that have been exploited by hackers to steal money, including code examples and prevention strategies.

1. Reentrancy Attack

Perhaps the most infamous smart contract vulnerability, the reentrancy attack was used in the DAO hack. It occurs when a function calls an external contract before it resolves, allowing the called contract to loop back and reenter the calling function.

function withdraw(uint256 _amount) public {
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= _amount);"");
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;

Prevention: Use the Checks-Effects-Interactions pattern, and update state before calling external contracts.

function withdraw(uint256 _amount) public {
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= _amount);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;"");

2. Integer Overflow and Underflow

Integer overflow and underflow occur when a uint256 variable goes beyond its maximum value and flips to zero (overflow), or when it goes below zero and flips to its maximum value (underflow).

uint256 public totalSupply;

function mint(uint256 _amount) public {
    totalSupply += _amount;

Prevention: Use SafeMath library for arithmetic operations.

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

uint256 public totalSupply;
using SafeMath for uint;

function mint(uint256 _amount) public {
    totalSupply = totalSupply.add(_amount);

3. Unprotected SelfDestruct Function

SelfDestruct can be used to kill contracts and send their remaining funds to a specified address. If not properly secured, malicious actors can exploit this to destroy contracts and steal funds.

function kill() public {

Prevention: Implement an authorization check in the function.

address public owner;

constructor() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

function kill() public {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

4. Unchecked Return Values

Some Solidity functions don’t throw an exception when they fail but return false instead. If these return values aren’t checked, it can lead to serious vulnerabilities.

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public {
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;

Prevention: Always check the return value of non-view function calls.

function safeTransfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
    require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;
    return true;

5. Improper Error Handling

Error handling is crucial in any programming language, and Solidity is no different. Properly implemented, it can help prevent loss of funds and other serious issues.

function sendETH(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) public {
    (bool success, ) ="");

Prevention: Always handle the return value of calls and use revert() with error messages.

function sendETH(address payable _to, uint256 _amount) public {
    (bool success, ) ="");
    if(!success) {
        revert("ETH transfer failed.");

6. Front-Running

Front-running is a potential issue where a malicious actor can see a pending transaction and issue their own transaction with a higher gas price, causing it to be confirmed first.

function bid(uint256 _amount) public {
    require(_amount > highestBid);
    highestBid = _amount;
    highestBidder = msg.sender;

Prevention: Implement commitment schemes to hide transaction information until it's confirmed.

mapping(address => bytes32) public commitments;

function commitBid(bytes32 _commitment) public {
    commitments[msg.sender] = _commitment;

function revealBid(uint256 _amount, string memory _salt) public {
    require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_amount, _salt)) == commitments[msg.sender]);
    require(_amount > highestBid);
    highestBid = _amount;
    highestBidder = msg.sender;

7. Short Address Attack

A short address attack involves a hacker sending less data than expected by a function which can result in significant loss of funds.

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public {
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;

Prevention: Always validate the input data length before proceeding with function execution.

modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint256 size) {
    require( >= size + 4);

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) {
    balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
    balances[_to] += _value;

8. Timestamp Dependency

Blockchain miners have some control over the block timestamp. Contracts using block.timestamp can be manipulated, allowing miners to potentially exploit a contract.

function lottery() public {
    if(block.timestamp % 2 == 0) {

Prevention: Avoid reliance on block.timestamp for critical logic.

function lottery(uint256 userProvidedSeed) public {
    bytes32 blockHash = blockhash(block.number - 1);
    uint256 randomNumber = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(userProvidedSeed, blockHash)));
    if(randomNumber % 2 == 0) {

9. Incorrect Constructor Name

Prior to Solidity 0.4.22, a contract’s constructor was a function with the same name as the contract. If the contract’s name was changed without changing the constructor's name, the constructor function would not execute upon contract creation.

contract MyContract {
    uint256 public x;

    function MyContract() public {
        x = 10;

Prevention: Use the constructor keyword for constructor functions.

contract MyContract {
    uint256 public x;

    constructor() public {
        x = 10;

10. Inadequate Testing and Code Review

A lack of thorough testing and code review is a common cause of contract vulnerabilities. Complex contracts can have vulnerabilities that are not immediately apparent.

contract ComplexContract {
    // Complex code with multiple dependencies and interactions

Prevention: Always thoroughly test your contracts and conduct peer reviews of the code. Use tools such as Truffle or Hardhat for testing, and consider professional auditing for high-value contracts.

contract ComplexContract {
    // Complex code with multiple dependencies and interactions

// Example test in Truffle
contract('ComplexContract', (accounts) => {
    it('should pass all the tests', async () => {
        const complexContractInstance = await ComplexContract.deployed();
        // Write comprehensive test cases here

Remember, every contract is unique, and new vulnerabilities can still emerge. Staying up-to-date with the latest security practices is a must for every Solidity developer.

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